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Senin, 03 September 2007

REVIEW : Transformers Spotlight: Optimus Prime

Genre: Comics & Graphic Novels
Author:Simon Furman & Don Figueroa
TransFormers Spolight: Optimus Prime is a one-shot featuring the face of The Transformers. The Autobot Commander himself Optimus Prime. After the Escalation series Optimus Prime ponders about his future and he took Ark 32 to find someone who could listen to --Omega Supreme!

Filipino US based Don Figueroa does is again providing the art & cover. He has been sort of partly designed most of the characters that came out as a toy... TF Classics Jetfire, <="" /b="">, and TF War Within Megatron to name a few.

The story is action packed with Optimus Prime and Omega Supreme in action against the gestalt pretenders Monstructor.

Teletran Reports...

1.) Monstructor is a G1 combiner composed of five monster pretenders.

2.) Omega Supreme is huge so is Monstructor but in toy form the monster is as big as any Deluxe size figure.

3.) Features the six pages preview of Devastation after Escalation.

If your a big fan of Optimus Prime this ones for you, but the action is a bit short. It could have been a two-part mini series.

RATING : ReviewReviewReviewReview

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