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Kamis, 08 Januari 2009

Transformers 2 Superbowl Trailer

Transformers 2 Superbowl 2009It's official now: the first movie trailer of Transformers 2, aka Transformers Revenge of the Fallen will air during the Superbowl 2009, on February 1, 2009!

I doubt it will be a full length Transformers 2 movie trailer, most probably a teaser, but hell, this news make my day! I'm going to count the day till the Super Bowl 2009. And I will enjoy every second of this Superbowl trailer of Transformers 2 when it will air!

Ok, now the first official teaser trailer of Transformers 2 is available:

God bless Michael Bay: this short movie trailer of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen is damn awesome!

I can barely wait for the movie by now!

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