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Selasa, 08 Agustus 2006

MTV footage and more behind the scenes

we got new info came up from the TF movie boards, and here's a link to Access Hollywood behind the scene footages of the movie TransFormers movie, you will see Michael Bay directing and guiding the actors in one of the stunts with a Crane.

The crane is now suspected to be one of the Decepticons, as you view the video, the actor is talking to the crane, screaming and begging for his life, you can view the video here at

the youtube version will be uploaded soon.

Ratchet a nurse?

Here's one of the hotest video feature on the set of TransFormers movie. New info about the characters who transformed into a one crazy jet as one of the actors described it, while actress Megan Fox said that Megatron is one scary character and she comments about Ratchet as a Nurse??? hahahahhahahaa

Director Michael Bay revealed that 2 new TranFormers will debut here in the live action movie and other original characters from the series will come out when the part 2 and 3 of the movie released soon.

Director Michael Bay said that the TransFormers characters are strictly confidential that the information circulates only to Bay and the CEO of Hasbro.

Prime, Ratchet and a foot of one character bot pics

Optimus Prime


foot of a TransFormer

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