photos and posted by: Mark Cerbo and Azrael Coladilla
Venue by: Joe Navarette
TF Giveaways by: OJ Arzadon
event by : TransFormers Fans Philippines aka TFPH
Congratulations to Transformers Philippines' Successful TF MEET-UP and clearly suprising turn out especially from Philippine Hobbyist Magazine, Game Ophelia, and Artists' Den where on-hand for the first ever TF Mystery Egg Hunt.
Bong Mera of TFPH was the suprise winner who got the special egg which was an exclusive Micron (Minicon) Booster. Everybody went home a winner getting the much talked about "Pirated" G1 Cassettes in and here as well.
Many thanks to those who came and went home with there TF Mystery Eggs. Especially our younger members because Transformers Philippines is not just for collectors. We are here for The Fans and by The Fans.
Here's a few preview photos taken by Azrael, Joeshred, and Heer0san....
FOR THE TransFormers Easter EGG Hunt game <pls click here>
Migi having difficulty with STD Convoy.
What are these people doing?
Transformers Galaxy Force on-screen.
Our youngest fans.
This month is Transformers Fans Month. Definitely.
Does it take five people to transform Thunder Clash?
Lei (PHM), OJ, Alf, Joe, Heer0san, Bong, Rico, Migi, Joe's nephew, and Patrick (Artists' Den).%
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