The funny thing is these guys are quite a riot when setting up a booth as they went on there way to Pilgrim Paladin's place to pick him up with the rest of these stuff. I on the other hand was at the backseat as MC got off once we pulled over at Pilgrim's place. Pretty much the crazies about having this chronicled is different from MC's stories.

I suggested that I tell the story instead, and he agreed. I didn't stay long though the story of these guys are really funny. Heer0san complains a lot. He was the earliest when we got there. The funny part is he's got his toys up for display. The rest of the guys didn't bring any, but the two 10 pound tarpuline the size of a billboard add, and a tarpuline stand would do just fine. Not to mention the walking cinema Azrael is very envious about.
For now my story had to cut this short. I'm off to work, and let the other guys continue there coverage for this event. I can't say that the huge tarpuline made a difference.
If you guys are interested in joining the high speed transformation contest drop by there booth. I'm sure you'll have fun not only to look at the displays, but to take home the prize. Don't forget the final round's at 3-4pm.