Transformers Philippines booth has the crowd.
Cris' challenge for the FIRST LEVEL.
Sean Salazar on the FINAL LEVEL on stage.
Sharivan's turn to take on RAMPAGE.
Kekachu of Deviant Art is next.
The finalist for the High Speed Transformation Contest.
This time with their prizes.
The toys on display at the TF booth.
Transformers Philippines 2005 Toycon roster(incomplete).
Thanks to all who came to this year's Toy Con espcially who dropped by at
TransFormers Philippines booth. Congratulations also to the winners of this
year's High Speed Transformation Contest.
Check out the first few photos taken on the event and more to follow...
The stage is set.
The booths are ready.
The TF Phils. boys are still packing the giveaways.
The entrance is secured.
The ribbon cutting begins...
The Storm Troopers from Star Wars Philippines are coming...
Emperor Palpatine's marching to invade...
Toy Con 2005 with event host Cholo.
Audience area.
The Transformers Philippines booth.